Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Increase Targeted Traffic Using Banner Advertising

Hello this is Terri Pattio MLM Coach/Mentor with a servant's heart
Network Marketer.

Check out the DEAL OF THE DAY at the end of the post. 

Today I will be sharing method number 19 Banner Advertising from the e-book "Rapid Traffic Secrets"

Here's an excerpt from the e-book:

Banner advertising has already proven its worth as a traffic generation method. It has stood the test of time and continues be one of the most effective methods of its kind.

In its simplest form, banner advertising involves paying someone for a place for your ad on their site.

Banner advertising may be conducted in one of several ways. First, you can search out websites within your market segment and approach them one by one.

This lets you have more control on where your ads are
placed but it does require a lot of time on your part. Second, you can
always use a banner network.

A banner network is easy enough to understand. This is just a network
that has plenty of ad space available. You simply approach them and tell
them that you want your ads placed on other websites. You get to pick
through a catalog of available websites, locations and banner sizes.

Some of the best ad networks around the web are Clicksor, ePilot, Text
Link Ads and Shopzilla
among others. Of course Google AdSense still
scores top points for being a major player in the industry. These networks
may work in the same way but some have better features than others.
Your choice for banner exchange networks is not limited as well. Choices
include The Banner Exchange as well as Click 4 Click.

The key to a successful banner advertising campaign is to not make your
banner ad look like an ad. It's a turn off and people will not click on your ad.

Banner advertising is just one method of traffic generation. To learn 26 more ways to increase targeted traffic to your website.

I recommend that you get the e-book "Rapid Traffic Secrets" now.


Click here now

Thank you and I wish you much success in your business.
Please connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.

YOU can view my video below where I share method number 14 Contest Marketing.

                                                                  Targeted Traffic Tips

 Terri Pattio
MLM Coach/Mentor with a servant's heart
"Listen, Live and Learn in the now"


  1. Banner advertising reaches a sense that words alone can't. This is why it is more effective. We have used both banner and text advertising. Everywhere we have, the banners have always shown better results. If your banner looks too much like an ad the results won't be as good because people don't like blatent in your face advertising. What everyone on the internet is looking for is information. Let them know which type you are providing and click thoughs will always be better.

  2. You always seem to have a handle on what's happening online. I appreciate that. I'll take a look

  3. Hi Terri, I appreciate this valuable information. I will definitely take a look at the E book. Thank you.

  4. Great information delivered here Terri. Thanks for sharing this beneficial business building information with us.

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